The Angels, ascended masters and our spirit guides are fully supportive in assisting us as we are re birthed into the new Earth reality. As we shift and awaken and let go our birth is not always comfortable. We may feel as though our spirit is being pushed too the limit, and I believe it is! In order to break the boundaries of the conditioned mind it takes courage, trust and awareness, sometimes even a leap of faith! Take great care of yourselves during these ever changing times. Eat well, relax, be kind to yourself, use affirmations, pray and meditate.
We are never alone on our journey. However we do have free will. All we need to do is ask and assistance will be made available to you. This is the era of miracles, all you need is to believe to receive.
Many of us have received or are in the process of being attuned to the higher Celestial chakras. There are several variations of numbers and colours. I am currently working with 15. No version is right or wrong, we all have our own truth which is unique to each us. At this time of vast movement and growth it is good to have some guidance from others but ultimately it is best to find your own answers. If it feels right, go for it, if it doesn’t, have the confidence and trust in your self. Find your own truth, be your own compass.
During this workshop, I will be sharing some information that the Archangels gifted me to share. I hope this can help you on your journey to becoming one with your inner guru.
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